I’m starting something new, again.
I’ve always wanted to do a regular piece of writing, be it on a tech blog, magazine, or anything where I can cover a specific piece of news or opinion. But opportunities for this don’t come around very often, so I thought why not just start it myself?
So I’m going to now try and write one piece every week (separate to this blog), and share it via an email newsletter.
It’s all powered by TinyLetter, and I love how everything is very minimal, and focuses on plain content. I don’t want to create more junk for your inbox, so hopefully a small email every week will suffice.
I haven’t got any guidelines for myself yet, but I will aim to keep it around 500 words.
It would be awesome if you subscribed, I will get writing the first column and it will go out every Friday for your weekend reading.
You can subscribe using the form below, or by going to the TinyLetter page.