Text Case 1.2

It’s time for the second major update to Text Case!

The first update added the ability to pick only specific formats to enable in both the app, and the action extension. It also added 5 extra formats.

The change in 1.1 to limit formats was partially due to the fact more formats could be added in the future, and it wouldn’t inadvertently affect users that didn’t want to use them.

In 1.2, the biggest update is the added flexibility in the title case format. As formatting titles isn’t a necessarily fixed style, but rather there are many different ones that writers use. The ones I’ve selected to include are:

  • Associated Press (AP)
  • American Psychology Association (APA)
  • Modern Language Association (MLA)
  • Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS)

And of course there are two new formats, sentence case, and Pascal case.

I hope you all enjoy the new additions, and if you ever have an issue with the app, or even have a suggestion, let me know by email or on Twitter.

You can find Text Case on the App Store.

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