My app Qwiki received it’s second update the other day, and I’m really happy with the progress it’s making!
Here are the release notes for 1.2:
In the latest update there are things that make Qwiki a bit more of a polished product.
Including things like being able to set Qwiki to launch on startup (Which was a lot harder than expected), a slightly more "lit" icon (Brighter colours, bigger stroke, and a gradient), some extra accessibility support, and also some behind the scenes efficiency work (But we all know you don’t care about that).
One More Thing
Qwiki now supports every language Wikipedia does! Just select it in the Preferences window, and you’ll be reading articles in whatever language you select. I recommend trying out "Scots", that’s pretty funny!
P.S. TouchBar support coming in the next update!
As I said above, I’m working on adding some form of functionality for the TouchBar in the new MacBook Pro’s. Mine should arrive soon, so I can fully test that out and ship it to everyone! I also redesigned the website, which you can check out.
For now, you can buy Qwiki on the Mac App Store for £2.99.