A very productive day today!
I got a ton of work done on Text Case 2.0. So much that I think it deserves it’s own blog post. I’ll probably write something about it tomorrow, because by then I would have done a bit more on it as well. Because of that, I wont go too much into detail, but I mainly worked on the beginnings of the input section, how the app manages themes, and then the interaction inside the app.
It’s going a lot faster than I thought it would. But every time I look back at the feature list I’ve created, I realise how many features I’ve added already. For example, I’m going to have to make sure things like the Siri integration is the same. It may look slightly different in the app, but I don’t want it to break anything.
One thing I have to say to reassure people, is that I have no desire to push this out as fast as possible. Text Case is a very stable app, and people seem to like it. So I will only release something that is better.
Just for fun, here’s another preview:
Oh and something not related to Text Case. I listened to a great podcast today, it was episode 36 of Daryl Baxter’s The Outpost Show which featured Federico Viticci of MacStories. I’ve now subscribed to the podcast, and I look forward to future episodes!