Journal: 30 Mar 2019

After going to bed surprisingly early last night, I still had a pretty long lie in this morning. I woke up at about 11 am!

After me and my girlfriend had our morning tea/coffee, and watched a bit of television, we headed into town for lunch at our regular cafe. Of course they simply asked if we wanted the usual. We go there quite a lot.

While we were there I got a few bits for mother’s day tomorrow, and some other usual bits we needed for the house.

After we got back, there wasn’t much time to anything else, as I went out with my friends for a meal in London. We went to a vegan pizza restaurant called Purezza, it was very good! I’m not a vegan, so I think I can provide a bit of an alternate perspective sometimes. And this certainly tasted much better than a lot of non-vegan pizzas I’ve had before.

Now I’ve got home, I think it’s time to watch a movie (probably Avengers: Infinity War), and go to bed.