Off to China

In just a few weeks time, I'll be heading off on on a work trip to China. It will be the first time I've ever been to Asia, and also the first time I've left my partner and my 3-month old child since she was born (apart from going to work), and I'll be away for around 10 days. It's going to be a very new experience for me on many fronts.

One benefit of it being a work trip, is that it's 100% company funded, and I get to travel around multiple locations in China. Two of them being Hangzhou and Shanghai, where my work has big offices, so I get to meet up with some colleagues that I haven't met in person, even after working together for many years. And the other being Guilin, where we are spending the weekend. We will be going to visit some incredible pillar-shaped mountains, which is where I've read, James Cameron filmed some of Avatar.

I'm going to try and focus on seeing colleagues, travelling to new places, and having new experiences. But I think the only thing stopping me from being attached to FaceTime for the trip will be my data allowance. (That's one thing I haven't sorted out yet.)

The only tricky part of the planning so far has been the Visa application, since I require a visa suitable for business trips. Turns out, as a British citizen/passport holder, and a first-time applier, I'm likely to only get a 2 year multi-entry visa. But that's fine. I'm hoping it also means I can try and get another (probably smaller) trip again in the future.

There's so many things I'm thinking about, because it's such a unique trip for me, and one I definitely want to make the most out of.

For example:

  • Do I take a real camera? Do I need to get something new and minimal that I can carry everywhere to stop my phone going flat?
  • How many clothes do I need to take? And what sort of bag can I carry it in?
  • Will I have time to do anything apart from working, eating, and socialising with colleagues?
  • What devices do I take? I have to take my Work Mac, but what about my personal Mac, iPad, etc?
  • How the hell can I cope with a 12-hour flight?