Maybe We Really Just Need macOS on an iPad

Matt Birchler has written a great piece on the current state of the iPad, and how it might not be the best device for real work. Not because of the hardware, but because of iPadOS. And maybe what should exist, is an iPad-type device that runs macOS.

I haven't used my iPad for anything serious in a while, and I think the main reason is something Matt also brings up:

I've spent the last year using an M1 Pro MacBook Pro, and it's been glorious. Apple made all the right decisions with this machine, and it's an absolute dream for me.

I totally agree. I too have a M1 Pro MacBook Pro, and it's my favourite Apple device. I still enjoy using a Linux laptop, but that's besides the point for now. If you're comparing iPadOS and macOS, macOS has to be the operating system where I feel comfortable and capable to get work done.

The iPad for me has always been an enjoyable device to use when you're doing light tasks, simple automations, and, of course, media consumption. But at the same time, there's always been friction when you want to do something that isn't quite supported. Or at least a task that iPadOS hasn't been specifically designed to accomplish.

Rather than simply being a computer that can do computer things, it seems to me that the iPad does iPad things. That's not necessarily a negative thing. But it sure would be great if there was a compromise. If you could run a "desktop-class" OS such as macOS on a flexible (and quite capable) device such as the iPad.