Nilay Patel was the special guest on John Gruber’s The Talk Show podcast this week, and it’s by far my most favourite episode, ever.
Special guest Nilay Patel joins the show. Topics include The Verge and Recode (and the state of the media industry at large), what’s going on with the lack of updates to professional Mac hardware, and, of course, Apple’s purported removal of the headphone jack on the upcoming new iPhones. – The Talk Show
I always thought John and Nilay were way different people, probably because of the big difference between Daring Fireball and The Verge. But they killed it this episode.
There was loads of cool discussion on Apple and what could be going on regarding the upcoming announcements, talk on the headphone debacle, and also some other nerd stuff.
I always thought of The Talk Show as the really long podcast, that I only enjoy around 60% of the time. But this was amazing.
If you haven’t ever listed to The Talk Show, then I’d recommend starting with this episode – "Ep. 160 FRESH OUT OF PRISON"