In a few hours I’ll be on a plane towards Greece, so I thought I’d write something here before I left.
I’ll be in Crete for two weeks, and hopefully I don’t come back too sunburned! (My skin doesn’t appreciate UV radiation as much as others)
I’m not taking my DSLR camera, because my iPhone 5S hasn’t disappointed me yet with the camera quality, so I’ll be taking a few with that. I’ll be posting these to my Instagram, most likely to my Story, because otherwise I may clog up peoples feeds.
So if you want to check out Crete from the eyes of my 5S, then I would suggest you follow me on Instagram, I’m @lordchrishannah. (Yes, I am actually a Lord. I own a square foot of land in Scotland 🤓)
I won’t have too much internet while I’m over there, but I think the Hotel should have decent enough WiFi for me to catch up in the evenings. So I’ll still be contactable, but preferably on Twitter at @chrishannah.
(Also, it’s pretty cool that I can now write random person posts on this blog, it’s one of the main reasons I merged my old one and App Recap!)