Chris Hannah
My little piece of the internet

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Twitter Blue Will Cost More on an iPhone

There are quite a few publications sharing information regarding the pricing of Twitter's Blue subscription, that it will be more expensive from an an iPhone. This is to cover the revenue cut that Apple take from all purchases on the App Store and their in-app payment system.

This isn't exactly a solution that everyone can suddenly adopt. However, I think for large companies such as Twitter, it's a clever decision. That's as long as there is an alternative method to start a subscription from another device at a lesser price.

It's one thing to offset the commission that Apple take, but I would imagine it also makes the cut that Apple take off all payments, a bit more visible.

Let's say Netflix added an option to pay for the service via Apple's in-app payment system, and also made the price higher to offset the commission. I'm sure a lot of people would suddenly be aware. And I'm sure, if the reasoning was made clear by Netflix, a lot of people would be aiming their complaints in Apple's direction.

I'm not sure how this will play out. Especially as to some, Twitter isn't even a place to be for free, let alone pay for it. But, if they can get more public attention on the cut that Apple takes from in-app payments, it would be interesting to see if the blame is directed towards Apple, or Twitter for not just accepting that cut, and keeping the end user pricing the same on all platforms.