Chris Hannah
My little piece of the internet

Currently Listening

Lion King at The Lyceum Theatre

I’m just on the way home from finally seeing Lion King at the theatre. It was one of my favourite movies growing up, so it certainly had a lot to live up to.

In general I think that it was pretty good, there were some bits that were really enjoyable, and others not so much.

My favourite characters were easily Rafiki and Pumba, because they seemed the most “realistic”, and the songs seemed to be near original with them.

What I didn’t like was when scenes were added or removed. I understand that it may be slightly different, but there was a 2/3 minute scene that just wasn’t in the film. A slightly smaller example is when Timone and Pumba are tasked with distracting the Hyenas, instead of the little song and dance I remember from the movies, there was some random Irish dancing?

Of course there was some Frozen references, but I guess we can’t escape that anymore.

So as I said before, it was pretty good.

I would encourage people to see it, but I don’t think I’ll be going a second time.o